My heart has been overfilled with joy since the arrival of our sweet Nella! God is amazing and I continue to feel so much grace that God chose Matt and I to be Nella's parents. Before our sweet Nella arrived, Matt and I tried to have conceive a child. We prayed and prayed for God to help us and even sought medical advice to help us with the process. It didn't feel right....I felt God pulling us into another direction and that direction was adoption! We felt complete peace as we entered into the adoption journey and journey that I didn't realize God wanted for Matt and I, but once he lead us there, I could feel him guiding us and supporting us! After we chose adoption, I gave up trying to conceive a child. It wasn't something I longed for anymore! It wasn't something I thought God wanted for me! I felt God wanted me to be an adoptive mother and felt honored that he chose this for me! I stopped counting days and worrying about trying to conceive. It wasn't what I thought was intended for me and I felt peace with that! Did I wonder what it felt like to have little baby kicks in your tummy? Yes...Was I curious what it felt like to have people ask you about your pregnancy and ask to rub your tummy? Yes I did...but I didn't want that or have to have it like I did before!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Another Heart's Wish comes true
Posted by
5:42 AM
Nella at 18/19 months
Posted by
5:20 AM
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Our love is 17 months
Posted by
2:54 AM
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Nella is 16 months almost 17 months! A little late...
Posted by
11:25 AM
Thursday, August 11, 2011
I'm 14 months
Our little love girl is 14 months!!! So hard for us to believe. She is such a big girl now and is always on the go! She really runs everywhere she goes! She loves to play hide and seek and chase! She is becoming more of daddy's girl. It melts my heart to see her reach for daddy or giggle so loudly when daddy chases her. She squeals with delight when daddy is around. Daddy has been making her blanket houses (he calls them forts...but girls call them houses). She loves it. She loves crawling in and out and reading books in her house.
Posted by
6:16 PM
Monday, July 11, 2011
I'm 13 months!!!!
Nella turned 13 months this past Sunday! It is hard to believe how she has changed so much in such a little time. She is not a little baby anymore and seems to behave more like a big girl! Her look has changed to me as well. I can now see what she will look like as she grows and I can predict what her sweet little face will look like when she grows! She is a blast and we are enjoying every minute with her! I am LOVING being home with her and breaks my heart to think about going back to school! But I know my other kidddos need me too! :)
Nella can take 6 to 8 steps on her own now....but if she is traveling long distances she wants just one finger. It is really sweet and I love how cautious she is about it! She can stand all by herself now, but if she is standing too long she will move to where she can lean on you! I love that she still wants us to be close even though she has all this independence now! She is a very good listener! If we tell her she cannot go upstairs right now, she will stop climbing and come down and the same when upstairs and she wants to go down. She can go down the stairs all by herself now. She has so many words and she continues to pick up a new word each day! Her newest words are: hi, stop (top), no, hot (ot), bird, poof (it goes with a song we sing), night night, up, baby. She will also sign please and thank you! She will get frustrated and want help and begin to cry and we say if you need help Nella say help please. She will stop and sign please. It is the cutest ever! She points to everything and says ooha (which I think means what is it?). She does this all day long as she wants to know more about what things are called. She tries to say ee i ee i oo when we sing Old McDonald had a farm.
Our biggest challenge these past three weeks is hitting herself. We are continuing to be consistent and remind her to be nice to Nella and not hit. We tried distracting her and telling its okay to be frustrated, but she continued to hit. We started sitting her out when she does it three times in a row and it is helping. When she gets done sitting out she will kiss us and we make her sign sorry. She has been doing better and it has not been happening as frequently, but hard to see her hurt herself like that! She tends to hit when we tell her it is not for Nella or she cannot do something seems she is upset with herself.
Little things about her that she is doing this month. She does a surprise face when she does something she wasn't expecting. She loves to hug and kiss everyone and everything. She mimicks everything we funny and makes you think about what you do. On the trip, she mimicked my mom chewing gum and now she does it on command when you ask. She also loves showing you where her tongue is.
We are having a blast and she is growing and changing so much!!!!
Posted by
7:58 PM
Happy 5 years
In these past 5 years together...I have a learned a lot about Matt. He is so reliable and when you ask him to do something, he will do it perfectly. He likes his laundry a certain way and usually does his laundry on the same day...makes me giggle everytime!!!! He can make me smile and laugh until my stomach hurts because he is just goofy and I love it!!! He is what I call the heater...I love it because I am always cold and so I love snuggling up to him and being warm! He has a huge heart and will help out anyone who may need it. Matt will always tell you the truth. He doesn't skate around it or try to make you feel better...he just tells it...which I have grown to love..sometimes I would like some skating....He likes to be on drives him nuts that I tend to be late...but we have worked on it ;) He adores his family and he will do anything for us! Especially his girl Nella!
We have learned a lot through our years...and I know we have SO much more to learn...but we have had our share of ups and downs with infertility issues and adoption expenses and taking in God's plan and trying to roll with it...which neither of us do well....when I look back on the past year and half...its been our best! The anticipation of our child coming home that God had chosen for crazy, miraculous, and takes our breath away still when we look back on it...And being in our role of mom and dad is my favorite. I adore watching Matt with Nella. It melts me. He is the only one who can make her giggle so hard! She loves her dada! And me...I am at my most confident and feel comfortable finally in who I am! I am a mama...the role that I always dreamed over and longed for! I love it! I love our family and so look forward to what God has in store of us!

The best has been watching my love grow in his faith with God. I have been apart of Matt finding God, asking Jesus to come into his heart, being baptized, and continue to grow in his faith daily. He has challenged me and we have grown so much together. We are still growing and still learning...but I love our journey so far and cannot wait for what's to come
Posted by
7:39 PM
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
We are SUPER busy
Posted by
7:19 PM
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Nella's book
Here is our link to Miss Nella's book! I hope you enjoy!!!! :)
Posted by
3:30 PM
Nella is 1

She loved her cake...she so loved squishing it in her fingers. She loved all the people and enjoyed opening her gifts! She seemed to soak in her party and enjoy everyone being there!!!

One of my favorite decorations was her months banner. I printed all of her pictures from each month and put them on a clothesline. I was amazed at how much she had changed and grew over the months!!! I honestly have loved every month, every stage, every milestone.....that we had this past year! I loved the newborn snuggles and wide eyes as she would take in her world. I loved first baths, first smiles, first sleeping through the night, taking a nap for a long peroids of time, sleeping in crib. I love the sitting up stage, rolling overs, trying cereal for the first time, and watching her expressions as she tries every new food given to her. I loved watching her learn about her world and watching her explore everything around her! She is such a gift!!!!! Such a blessing!!!
- she can crawl super fast
- she loves to eat and is such a good eater
- she switched herself to sippy cups by not wanting her bottles anymore
- she loves her whole milk
- she is taking one nap about 3 hours a day now
- she does patty cake and wheels on the bus
- she is a good little listener but is a determined little love to do things
- She pulls up on everything and I secretly think she could walk, but it is kinda sweet she still wants to hold just one finger
- She is answering questions when asked
- Her favorite word is bye bye...says it all the time
- She loves to kiss and will kiss everyone and everything
- She loves her kitty and doggie SO much
- She knows how big is Nella
- She loves to read and be read too! She is always looking at books or wanting you to read a book to her! When you get done, she will ewwuah, which I think means again!
- She points now to tell us what she wants and it is really cool to communicate with her!
- She is one happy girl and her smile will melt your heart in an instant
Posted by
1:44 PM