Tuesday, April 24, 2012
knox is 1 month
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3:26 PM
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Nella 22 months and Knox 2 weeks old
Our little Knox has been in our lives for 2 weeks! What a sweet little guy he is! We are learning all about him and what he likes and doesn't. He is an eater and is gaining weight really well. In 8 days, he gained 9 ounces!!! He is great sleeper! He only wakes up once during the night. We feed him around 10:30 or 11 and then he sleeps until 2:30 or 3:30 and then doesn't wake up until 7 or 7:30! He also is a great napper! He has the sweetest face and loves to snuggle up with us! He absolutely hates being naked and gets upset when he gets his clothes changed! Lol! He loves his sissy so much and gets so calm when she is around.
Our little Nella is 22 months old! Wow, she is almost 2 now! It is crazy to think this little love girl has almost been in our lives for 2 years! People always told me that time goes fast with little one and it truly does! She is the sweetest little girl!! She is turning into quite the little mother hen! She mothers her friends, her stuffed animals, our dog (libby), and loves to love on Knox. She is a singer and has the most beautiful voice ever! She can sing ABC song, Daisy Daisy, Jesus Loves me, Winnie the Pooh, Hot Dog, Row Row Row your boat, and 5 little Monkeys jumping on the bed! She can count to 10, spell her name, and can identify some colors and letters! She is smart little love and picks up on concepts really easily! She loves to "cook" in her kitchen. She continues to love to be read too and loves to look at books. She loves music, especially Mickey Mouse songs! She loves to color and paint! She loves being outside picking flowers, coloring with chalk, and riding her bike! Her new thing is telling us she needs everything. I need apple...I need juice..I need Knox...it is very sweet! She is becoming more and more independent. She wants to do things on her own and gets really frustrated when I tell her that she needs help to do that! She is a very determined little girl, but also very sensitive and needs lots of reassurance when she is upset or frustrated! She continues to melt our hearts and we adore our girl!
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12:38 PM